WPI Journal - The Magazine for WPI Alumni


The Alumni Magazine for Worcester Polytechnic Institute. (WPI)

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Page 30 of 91

and staff. The 29,000-square-foot gymnasium with its elevated quarter-mile jogging track that overlooks four regulation basketball courts is a showcase for :3, 7KH H[SDQVLYH VSDFH JLYHV WKH XQLYHUVLW\ DQ DUHD that can accommodate admission open houses, ca- reer fairs, national academic conferences, and robot- ics competitions that draw budding engineers and scientists from around the globe. Built into the hill on the west side of campus, ad- MDFHQW WR WKH 3DUN $YHQXH EDOO ƂHOGV WKH IRXU VWRU\ brick-and-glass structure appears to be only two stories high when approached from the Quad, and aesthetically complements the surrounding build- LQJV 8SRQ HQWHULQJ WKH )XOOHU $WULXP WKH UHF FHQ- ter's main entranceway – and a gift from the trust of longtime WPI trustee George F. Fuller and his wife, 6\ELO YLVLWRUV ZLOO KDYH HDV\ DFFHVV WR PRVW DUHDV RI the center, including a spectacular view of Bancroft Hill and Park Avenue. Engineering Excellence It's only natural that a school with an environmen- tal engineering program would construct a build- ing that meets Leadership in Energy and Environ- PHQWDO 'HVLJQ /((' VWDQGDUGV (QYLURQPHQWDO highlights of the rec center include 35 rooftop solar panels that will heat the pool, saving an estimated $50,000 and reducing 4,400 pounds of carbon di- R[LQ HPLVVLRQV D \HDU WZR JDOORQ WDQNV WKDW will collect water for the building's cooling sys- tem, which will reduce yearly water consumption E\ JDOORQV DQG D SRUWLRQ RI WKH EXLOGLQJŒV electricity supply will be generated by students us- ing the dozens of cardiovascular machines in the ƂWQHVV FHQWHU :LWK VHYHUDO RWKHU HQYLURQPHQWDOO\ friendly features, including Forest Stewardship &RXQFLO; )6& FHUWLƂHG SDQHOLQJ DQG IXUQLWXUH VFKRRO RIƂFLDOV EHOLHYH WKH UHF FHQWHU PD\ JDUQHU D Silver LEED designation, at the very least. Fred DiMauro, WPI's assistant vice president for facilities, who oversaw the construction, points to the natatorium as the rec center's chief engineering marvel. Originally designed to be on the same level DV WKH J\P WKH SRRO ZDV TXLFNO\ PRGLƂHG IRU WKH Spring 2012 29

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